When Jesus appeared to the Disciples in the Upper Room just after the Resurrection, scripture tells us they were fearful. A question we might ask ourselves is “What am I afraid of?” Most of us could easily think of many things that we might fear – a family member in distress, sickness, death, running out of money, the extreme heartache of war – the list could be very long.

But here is Jesus with his Disciples saying, “Peace be with you.” Clearly, the Voice of the Divine, of Christ Consciousness is telling us the same thing today, “do not be fearful, be at peace.” And we have the choice to listen to our ego, our “littleness” or to pay attention to the Voice for God, our indwelling Christ that says, “Fear not.” 

In John 20, we read “Then Jesus said to them again, ‘Peace be with you, just as my Father has sent me, so I send you.’” And when he had said these things, he encouraged them, and said to them “Receive the Holy Spirit.” 

In the study of metaphysics, in the New Thought tradition, we remember that these Bible characters represent an aspect of each of us – Jesus being the Great Example of What we are in the truest sense. And Jesus “encourages” us (his disciples) to do that which is ours to do by telling us to “receive the Holy Spirit.” He knew that we would indeed be successful in our “doing” as we receive this Divine Help. On our own, we’re in trouble. Filled with God’s Holy Spirit, all things are possible. 

In these days and weeks that follow the miracle of Easter, let’s resolve to be encouraged by this Truth as we earnestly seek to be about our Father’s business.

With our love,

Rev. Steve and Mary             

Rev. Steve and Mary Bolen

Written by Rev. Steve and Mary Bolen