Dear Spiritual Family,

A dear friend wrote recently about his ongoing struggle to stay grounded in deep peace but appreciated the reminder in one of our video messages that it is possible. We get it. It is indeed a real workout for most of us to “be peace.” 

Mother Teresa wrote, “God will never, never, never let us down if we have faith and put our trust in Him. He will always look after us.” She was able to clearly express this truth from the depth and breadth of her experience in ministering so powerfully to thousands over the course of her life.

You, no doubt, have faith and you trust in God – in God’s love and grace and Presence. And yet, we all have moments when we doubt. We may doubt the efficacy of our prayers, we may doubt that we will ever “come up” to the standards that we feel God “has set” for us. We make stuff up to box ourselves into a corner. God is always, ALWAYS, with us and God is always, ALWAYS with those for whom we pray. If we find ourselves “in a corner,” we can be certain that God is in there with us!

Dr. B.J. Palmer, the “Developer” of Chiropractic taught, “Get the big idea; all else follows.” When we pray for you, we focus on your Spirit, your Essence – the wholeness of You. This is the Big Idea! It is an idea that runs counter to the thinking of the world. “We are everything but – whole, holy, Divine,” saith the ego.

Dr. David Hawkins wrote, “All Great Teachers proclaim the same truth for there is none other. The Radiance of the Self within beckons one on and provides spiritual inspiration and strength. The Presence of God within is the source of one’s existence; therefore, to seek one’s source is in accord with God’s Will.”   

We all want our prayers to be helpful to those for whom we pray. From our combined seventy years in ministry, we can say with certainty, that every sincere prayer is heard and felt. You, beloved, are in full possession of the “Radiance of the Self” just as is the object of your prayers. Knowing this, have faith and trust in God that beyond any and all appearances to the contrary, all – ALL is truly well!

We love you, 

Rev. Steve and Mary

Rev. Steve and Mary Bolen

Written by Rev. Steve and Mary Bolen