Dear Spiritual Family,

Just after Mary and I completed the video for Sunday, August 7, she gently said, “You forgot Principle Number Five.” Oops. Though I mentioned it briefly and said I would come back to it, I never did. Please forgive me and give me this opportunity to rectify my mistake. 😊 

Principle Number Five in Unity’s Five Basic Principles is, in my words, “We’ve got to do our best to live these truths.” While it’s one thing to teach them and discuss them, it’s essential to bring them to bear in our lives for our sake as well as that of others. Easy to say, more difficult to practice but worth all the effort.

Much of the focus in this video is on what I call the foundational principles: 1. The One (and only) Presence, Power and Knowing in the Universe is God. And the Essence of God is Love. And 2. That Love is What we are. We are, in Reality, One with God and One with each other. 

As we dwell on this Truth – “Seek First the Kingdom” – utilizing Principles Number Three (The Law of Mind Action) and Four (Prayer and Meditation), our minds and hearts become full of peace, authentic power, Light and Love and our experiences reflect to us these qualities. The more we abandon the ego, the little self, the more our Self stands forth as a blessing to our own lives, those around us, and to the world in general. 

The Fifth Principle essentially says, “What the World Needs Now Is OUR Love, Sweet Love.” There is no lack of that Love in us, but it is incumbent on us to bring it forth, to let it flow. It’s a beautiful thought, that each of us has the ability to bless all of us!

And we don’t have to do it alone. We need each other and we need the Divine Help that is always available to us. From Lesson 215 in A Course in Miracles:

The Holy Spirit is my only Guide. He walks with me in love.

And I give thanks to Him for showing me the way to go.

We give thanks to you, dear Family, for your love and your willingness to embrace and live these principles. 

We love you,

Rev. Steve and Mary

Going Deeper

If you would like to take this message deeper, here are two questions you can work with. Use these in your own self-reflection or in discussion with others.

  1. What does it mean to “pray from” our authentic Power? And how do we effectively acknowledge that Power and that Wholeness in one that we are praying for?
  2. The Third Principle, The Law of Mind Action or “As you sew, so shall your reap” is often used as a proverbial “club” to beat ourselves up or to “beat up” someone else. What is a more elegant way to employ this powerful principle? (Hint – If Principle Number Two is Really True, how does the focus on and understanding of this Truth affect our more dominant thoughts and feelings?)

We would love to read your thoughts in the comments below.

We love each one of you so very much,

Rev. Steve and Mary

Going Deeper on Zoom – Wednesday, August 10 

This group meets on Wednesdays from 6 to 7:15 pm CT following a new video message. To learn more, Email Mary McIntosh.

Rev. Steve and Mary Bolen

Written by Rev. Steve and Mary Bolen


1 Comment

  1. Katherine Quinn

    After reading your Wayshower write up, I was reminded that even Jesus needed help from Simon to carry his cross to Calvary. If I have a medical, legal, financial or spiritual dilemma, it’s great to get help from an expert who is stronger in that arena to assist me.