Dear Spiritual Family,

The full title of this week’s video is: “Rising in Consciousness – What Is the Altitude of Your Attitude of Gratitude?” Though it’s a bit of a play on words, the idea can help us uplevel our practice of gratitude and thereby expand our consciousness.

Virtually all of us have experienced the power of being grateful in helping us get unstuck. In the video, Mary shares such a time when the challenges of her life were especially difficult. She found one very simple thing to feel grateful for and before long, there was a cascade of gratitude as the floodgates had been opened.

Abraham Lincoln offered his perspective, “We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.” Thank You, Mr. Lincoln. Indeed, it’s how we look at life that determines the quality of our lives.

This message focuses on upleveling the intent of our gratitude work. The casual, “Thank you” uttered as rote, will tend to have a matching, mediocre result. But if we are more intentional in our practice, if we bring our hearts into it, then we are broadcasting a signal into the Field of Infinite Possibilities which must correspond accordingly. We may not experience the effect immediately or in the form we might expect but the greater seeds of good have been planted and with a continued attitude of earnest gratitude, the good will come. We will have moved higher in consciousness.

In his definition of “gratitude,” Unity Co-Founder Charles Fillmore writes, “All metaphysicians (that’s all of us on this spiritual path) have found by experience that being thankful for what they have increases the inflow. Gratitude is a great mind magnet, and when it is expressed from the spiritual standpoint, it is powerfully augmented.” 

We understand that to mean, when we express, feel, focus from the richer realms of gratitude, grounded in the indwelling Christ, that intent is “augmented” by Divine Help. This, we would call, a higher altitude in our desire to be truly grateful. We are feeling this deep gratitude for you, dear friends, and the gift you are to the world! Thank You, Holy Spirit for Your “Augmentation!”

We love you,                                                                                                                             

Rev. Steve and Mary

Going Deeper

Hello and thank you for coming together as you do. 😊😊

  1. How might the “higher form” of gratitude be different from what Rev. Steve called “Intentional” Gratitude? Can you give an example?
  2. Will you share some of your own experiences in using the powerful practice of gratitude at the higher levels – the higher “altitudes of the attitude of gratitude?” 
  3. What steps can you think of to help you stay more consistently in those attitudes?

We would love to read your thoughts in the comments below.

God bless you. We love you,

Rev. Steve and Mary

Going Deeper on Zoom – Wednesday, August 24

This group meets on Wednesdays from 6 to 7:15 pm CT following a new video message. To learn more, Email Mary McIntosh.

Rev. Steve and Mary Bolen

Written by Rev. Steve and Mary Bolen



  1. Helen Vaughn

    Dear Mary,
    I knew you were going to share “the pillow” story before you even did it. It was likely 25 years ago, I first heard you share that story at UCC, and it has stuck with me all these many years later. I have a daily intentional practice of ending my day with 10 unique thoughts that help to elevate my “altitude”. But I can never begin without thinking of my pillow first … a soft landing for my head as I prepare for the practice of gratitude. It is my comfort and support … all that I really need … such a peaceful place to begin and end each day. For this and for the two of you, I am so grateful.

  2. Mark

    Thanks for your blog, nice to read. Do not stop.