Dear Spiritual Family,

Recently, we took a trip to connect with one of Mary’s brothers and his wife. On the way, we had occasion to “discover” a unique business in Mobile, Alabama. It’s called Mo-Bay Beignets. Being a lover of these delightful “French doughnuts,” it didn’t take much encouragement to go there when a fellow in a nearby diner recommended it. 

On entering this modest little business, we felt the uniqueness of it immediately. The story of how it came about just a few years ago captured our imaginations. In essence, the owner was guided by God every step of the way. She shared the sequence of events on large posters on the walls that also memorialized a local police officer who had been killed in the line of duty in that same area several years earlier. The beignets and the café au lait were delicious but the example of kindness, honoring and yielding to the guidance of Spirit fed us in the most real sense.

Toward the end of our visit, I (Rev. Steve) encountered a World War II vet. The presence of his ball cap encouraged me to thank him for his service to our Country so long ago. We had what I would call a Holy Encounter in the brief moment of our exchange. A short time later while walking with Bill, my brother-in-law, we connected again, much to my delight, as I had just told Bill about this gentleman. This time, the conversation was a bit longer. I asked his age which he happily shared – ninety-four. I told him that I would be his age in twenty years and hopefully be as fit and sharp as he. His reply was this, “Just be kind to everyone.” Sage advice from a man who has obviously lived it, I thought. 

He reminded me of a dear and long-time friend, A.J. Elliott, also a WWII Vet and close in age to this gentleman. A.J. embodies this philosophy as well. He is one of the kindest men we know and he too is fit and sharp like my new friend.

In our world today, simple kindness and Divine Guidance is more needed than ever. Perhaps our sharing will be helpful to you, dear friends, to elevate our respective levels of kindness and our willingness to yield to Divine Will, to new heights. As we do, we bless the world and can delight in spiritual food that sustains and nurtures us.

We love you,

Rev. Steve and Mary

Rev. Steve and Mary Bolen

Written by Rev. Steve and Mary Bolen


1 Comment

  1. Katherine Quinn

    Thank you for your message of loving kindness and gratitude. Studies have shown that people continue to learn and grow even into advanced years so I definitely feel I can benefit from listening to them. Thanks for the reminder to remain teachable and to treat the messenger with respect.