Dear Spiritual Family,

I (Rev. Steve) have almost always considered myself to be an optimist. That bent has served me well over these past seventy-five years. Yes, even as an infant, I saw my milk bottle as half-full as opposed to half-empty. 😊

There have certainly been times in my life when I found it all but impossible to look on the bright side of things. Just like you, there have been life’s ups and downs to move through. 

These days, with so much going on in the world around us that can cause us to feel divided or isolated or just in a general quandary about what the hell is going on, I find an optimism based on, “let’s just be positive,” doesn’t cut the mustard.

It has been our experience as a couple over the thirty-six years of our being together that it is only when we are grounded in truth, that our optimism meets the moment whatever that moment may be. For want of a better term, we call it “spiritual optimism.” In essence, it is a rephrase of Jesus’ teaching, “Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.”

Said another way, “By remembering Who you are and Whose you are, you are going to see the world with true vision.” And the vision you see will reinforce your sense of optimism and general happiness regardless of appearances.

It was a seminal moment in the Star Wars series when Luke Skywalker was confronted by Darth Vader who said, “Luke, I am your father!” Not exactly what Luke wanted to hear! Well, what we all truly do want to hear is The Divine Creator, the One God, say to us, “_____________ (your name goes here), I am Your Father!”

We can’t be wishy-washy on this point if we want to be at peace. Accept the truth and feel the power and the beauty of your wholeness and your holiness! The world can certainly use a legion of us who are spiritually optimistic!

We love you,

Rev. Steve and Mary       

Rev. Steve and Mary Bolen

Written by Rev. Steve and Mary Bolen