Dear Spiritual Family,

There are times when I “lay aside” my focus on the Truth, the Absolute Truth and nothing but the Truth. When I do so, I feel like a ship that has become unmoored, being tossed about by whatever the prevailing winds are that day!

I’m quite sure you know the feeling. It is disconcerting and disheartening. This is the main reason that Mary and I have aligned our understanding with the pure teachings of Jesus the Christ. Doing so in great earnest provided the healing for Unity’s Co-Founder Myrtle Fillmore with husband, Charles, following suit. 

One Presence, One Power – an All Loving Creator became the solid foundation for the New Thought movement. It became clear to the pioneers of this movement like Emma Curtis Hopkins, the Fillmores, and Ernest Holmes that this All-Loving Presence could only create like Itself and thus the Second Principle of Unity – we are all made in that Image. The “work” of our lifetimes then became to remember this Truth and do our best to let go of the rest – the stuff we, over the millenia, made up.

It is a relatively simple concept to grasp, though not an easy one to “remember.” And, as we look out on the world, it may seem like eternal wisdom is losing some serious ground! Focusing there can open up some serious upset and disillusionment. 

A good time to remember – “Nothing (No Thing) can change eternal love.” As a dear friend from my first church, Sparky Brown, used to say, “Rev. Steve, it seems that we are all “doomed” to peace! Amen, Sparky. Thank God we can’t mess that up though we have sure tried. 

Here is “condensed” wisdom from A Course in Miracles, Lesson 125: 

“Hear, holy Son of God, your Father speak. His Voice would give to you His holy Word, to spread across the world the tidings of salvation and the holy time of peace. We gather at the throne of God today, the quiet place within the mind where He abides forever, in the holiness that He created and will never leave.”

The absolute truths of One, All-Loving Father and the One Son that is Each of Us and All of Us will always see us through. The “ship” of our lives will sail on smooth and sure waters of Spirit and bring us safely “Home.” And so it is. Amen

We love you dear Sisters and Brothers,

Rev. Steve and Mary