Dear Spiritual Family,

Happy Mother’s Day! How perfect that we celebrate mothers on this day, an opportunity to honor their gifts, seen and unseen, to humanity.

In our video, we shared our appreciation for the Holy Spirit and compared that nurturing presence to that of our mothers. If we needed to use only one word to describe the Holy Spirit, that word would be “comfort.” 

For many, when we think of our mothers and mother figures in our lives, images of times being comforted by them easily come to mind. For some that is not always the case. Rev. Steve shares a story of one woman’s experience of finding true forgiveness for a mother who was unable to express that love and comfort to her child throughout her lifetime.

So whether the day presents itself as a day of celebration or one that calls for healing and compassion or something in between, God’s Love is present to us to let it be a day that is purposeful. 

We honor you, all who represent the energy of kindness, compassion, and nurturing on this day and throughout the year. Your willingness to be that presence for others as well as for yourself makes our world a better place. Sometimes that willingness takes form in words or actions. And sometimes, it may be you, sitting in silence and simply feeling deep love for those who come to mind.

We can rest assured that the Great Comforter, the Holy Spirit, is always with us to bless and multiply our intentions to bring healing. So, again, Happy Mother’s Day to you and for all of the love and compassion that you are and that you share. God bless you!

We Love You,

Rev. Steve and Mary

Going Deeper

  1. What, that you are comfortable sharing, would you want to say to your mother if she were sitting in front of you right now? (Your willingness in this instance, could be a true gift to those in the group.)
  2. How might you embody more of the nurturing, comforting energy of the Divine in your daily living?

We love you dearly,

Rev. Steve and Mary

Going Deeper on Zoom – Wednesday, May 17

This group meets on Wednesdays from 6 to 7:15 pm CT following a new video message. To learn more, Email Mary McIntosh.