Dear Spiritual Family,
Recently, Rev. Aliza Bloom Robinson gave a wonderful talk at Unity Church of the Hills on alignment and agreement. She reminded us of how wishy-washy (my term) we can be on the subject of agreement. Are we agreeing to avoid conflict or to simply appease? Or is our agreement grounded in a place of alignment with Spirit?
As I (Rev. Steve) ponder the subject of agreement, I am inclined to ask, “What is it, in the New Thought/Unity Community, that we can all agree on?” Surely it is the foundation of our teaching – that we are all Divine Beings or, in our more specific language, we are all the Christ.
Past every appearance to the contrary, past every thought or action – past, present or future – we are the Essence of the Essence that is God. And the truth of this Essence is that it cannot be fearful or angry or vengeful or divided. It cannot suffer or die. It simply Is.
It seems especially important these days, with “the thousand things” there are “out there” that appear to divide us, that we focus on what It Is that unites us and brings an enduring peace and purpose to our minds and hearts.
Among other things, the Christ represents strength, wisdom, love, and immortality. It is the Alpha and Omega of our existence or better, the Allness of What we forever have been and forever will be. Thank You, God!
We can honor our differences, our various opinions, and approaches to life, respecting that such is a part of being in the world. Yet, it is in our essential Oneness that we find the abiding peace that literally blesses every aspect of our lives and deeply affects our sisters and brothers, near and far.
In a moment of silence, in the quiet of our hearts, you and I can choose to let the Truth of the Indwelling Christ be our spiritual “default mode.” To do so is to receive the enduring Gifts of our Beloved Creator – the Gifts that reveal God’s Glory in each of us and in all of us.
We Love You,
Rev. Steve and Mary