Dear Spiritual Family,

How are you all today? And Happy Father’s Day to all the dads and father-figures who are seeing this and those fathers and father-figures whom all of you are thinking of on this day!

Mary and I wish we could sit with each of you and ask about your fathers and others who have impacted your life with their wisdom and love. We both tend to reminisce quite a bit about our dads as this day rolls around each year. 

It’s fitting to have a day to focus on our fathers. In the light of New Thought teachings, gratitude is a central and essential theme and to deeply feel that thankfulness for our dads is uplifting. Another central teaching is forgiveness. And if we may be holding on to one or more grievances toward our fathers, step-dads, fathers-in-law, et. al., there’s no time like the present to forgive them. To do so is freeing for them and even more so for ourselves. What a beautiful gift to give – gratitude and if needed – forgiveness.

You probably know me well enough to know, I can’t let the day go by without addressing “Our Father.” To me, the greatest words in Scripture are “Our Father” from Jesus and “…God is love” from 1 John 4:8. 

Thus, Our Father is Love.  And His Love lives in us. In Truth, It is us. We have simply made up the rest and our peace and happiness actually lie in our accepting the absolute truth that God is Love and therefore so are we. That Love that God is has never abandoned us and has never known anything but the truth of the beauty and perfection of our Souls. This is the Great Lesson that our Way-Shower came to teach. And though we have the free will to think otherwise, that thinking, that pretending, doesn’t make it so. 

Will you join us in a time of reflection today and this week where we allow ourselves to feel deep gratitude for those men in our lives who have given of themselves to love and support us in our respective journeys? And will you also join us, if it is needed, in authentically forgiving when one of our own fathers or father-figures “missed the mark?” 

So as we take, together, a glorious inbreath of God’s abiding Love, we are knowing  that this Father’s Day is a great gift to you and all those that you hold dear. 

We Love You,

Rev. Steve and Mary