Dear Spiritual Family,
Today, we offer you this prayer. You might find it helpful to take some time with it, perhaps pausing as you read, in order to more deeply commune with God and feel the state of gratitude that is inherent in our Christ nature.
Father, thank You for my life. Thank You for all of life. Thank You for my growing awareness that all life is eternal and is a constant reflection of the One Life that You are and I am.
Thank You for Love. Thank You for loving me and everyone and all that You have created, without exception, with complete consistency and for eternity.
Thank You for the Masters that have shown the Way to remember You and thereby, know Ourselves.
Thank You for the Gift of Your Holy Spirit, meeting us just where we are and as we are, in our unfolding, and Who aids us in the forgiveness that opens the door to Heaven.
Thank You for Joy. It is a well-spring within me that flows through my life, that lifts and blesses and heals.
Thank You for the song of Prayer that my willing heart sings to all who call to me to know the Truth for them and with them.
Thank You God. I rest in You, knowing that all is, and will forever be, well.
With great love,
Rev. Steve and Mary