Dear Spiritual Family,
There are a number of modern era songs that are either entitled “What Can I Do?” or incorporate that question as the lyrics unfold. It came to me, Rev. Steve, as I pondered the subject of the “unfinished business” many if not most of us have with friends and family who have transitioned beyond this physical world.
When my younger brother passed several years ago, I was one who felt we left things unfinished, incomplete. We approached spirituality in very different ways in general and the concept of death in particular. I have prayed about this seeming gap often since then, seeking peace, sending him loving thoughts and at times, catching myself still bearing some frustration that we didn’t experience the healing I felt was possible before he stepped through the veil into his next experience of life.
So, spiritually speaking, what can we do? I have a sticky note taped to my laptop that simply says, “Remember Heaven.” I believe that’s a little clue. Remember that “Heaven” is not just the home for those who have outlived their bodies, it is our true home – now and always. It is the domain of our Christ Nature. Deeply seeing and believing this, we can never be separated from each other, regardless of whether we are in or out of these “spacesuits” as Ram Dass called them, that are our physical bodies.
We don’t have to wait until we “die” before we can converse with anyone, love them and feel their love. That’s a leap for some but it is inherent in our mystical teachings. There is no separation in Spirit.
How can this idea serve us? How can it bring the peace we seek in these seemingly incomplete relationships? Just be willing to earnestly try it. With some deep breaths, gently bring your attention to your heart, softly repeating, “Heaven is my Home,” audibly or silently, “Heaven is my Home.” “Here I am One with God. Here I am One with you, __________” and speak their name. “There is no separation, only Oneness.” Feel your heart opening to bathe them in unconditional Love. And feel their Love flowing to you. Breathe deeply in the energy of peace and true connection.
“What Can I Do,” you may ask? You, beloved, have just done it!
We Love You,
Rev. Steve and Mary