Dear Spiritual Family,

When I (Rev. Steve) was in my teens, I would listen intently to my favorite D.J., the legendary Dex Card on WLS-AM in Chicago. The music was the 1960s rock ‘n’ roll and at sundown, the station’s powerful radio signal reached our home in South Carolina loud and clear. No one could count down the “top 40” like Dex Card! 

Around that time, I landed my first job in radio at a small, regional AM station a few miles out of town. I would do my best to imitate Dex when I would spin the vinyl 45s and 33 and 1/3rds on the not so legendary “Steve Bolen Show.” As the months went by I “graduated” to more sophisticated stations in my hometown with progressively stronger signals to reach a broader audience. In retrospect, I think I wanted to reach the masses with my voice to maybe make the listeners’ day a bit brighter or just more informed with the news of the day. 

Fast forward a few decades when my understanding of quantum physics and the deeper teachings of spirituality showed me that each of us is a virtual broadcasting “station.” Our thoughts go out and affect the phenomenal world. In the language of A Course in Miracles, “There are no private thoughts.” In other words, like it or not, we are all connected. To the ego, this can be disconcerting. To our Christ nature, it is the best of news because it means that we are not at the effect of the world. We can sit in the quiet of our homes or our cars or on a mountaintop or by the sea and we can “broadcast” all manner of good, of love and compassion into the world.

News that reaches us from the TV or the radio, from texts or emails or much of social media, is often divisive and difficult to read or hear and see. Yet, it can also serve as the motivation to ground ourselves in truth. We can then willingly radiate  healing waves of harmony and love out across the ethers to the people and the places that are “calling” for our gifts. Imagine that they are saying, in essence, “Please look past these appearances and know the truth for me, for this situation or condition.” In other words, “please deny my denial of truth!” 


Thankfully, when we endeavor to do so, we automatically enroll the help of the Holy Spirit. Its Divine Energy multiplies our intentions a thousand-fold and the “signal” that emanates from our hearts goes out with great strength to heal and bless the world. 

Thank you, beautiful friends for your part in knowing the truth for ourselves and others – the truth that frees and brings Heaven closer and closer to Earth. 

We love you,

Rev. Steve and Mary