Dear Spiritual Family,
As this article is being written, I, Rev. Steve, am awaiting a call from a dear friend whose brother is very close to making his transition. Though only in his mid-60s, he has made peace with this great change – a peace that has comforted his family.
It is also the seventieth birthday of my younger brother who was of a similar age when he passed over to his new life over five years ago. He had a difficult time letting go of the physical – something, as we all know, is very daunting for many. And many times, over these years since then, I have thought, “You see, Brother, you had nothing to fear. You are as well as you have ever been and no doubt, your dear family can feel your love and I’m quite sure, you can feel ours!”
In this series on Letting Go and Making Room for God, we are employing the highly practical, yet simple technique given to us by Dr. David Hawkins. And in this article, we want to focus on the resistance that is part of most lives – resistance to ease, to peace, to joy and a general sense of well being.
Remember last week’s video and written message? In it we are guided by Dr. Hawkins to the “Mechanism of Letting Go.” It is “being aware of a feeling, letting it come up, staying with it, letting it run its course without wanting to make it different or do anything about it. It simply means to let the feeling be there and to focus on letting out the energy behind it.”
How is your practice of this technique going for you? Many experience resistance to letting go. In his words, “Letting go of negative feelings is the undoing of the ego, which will be resistant at every turn. This may result in skepticism about the technique, ‘forgetting’ to surrender, a sudden upsurge of escapism, or venting feelings and acting out. The solution is to simply keep on letting go of the feelings you have about the whole process. Let the resistance be there but don’t resist the resistance.”
We chose to focus on this important work over several weeks because of its efficacy in our own lives and that of so many others. We are excited about the breakthroughs and possibilities that await you as you do this work. Unpacking the “baggage” of the negative feelings associated with negative thoughts is freeing and effective. As you move the process, if this is your desire, remember Doc’s teaching, “Let the resistance be there, but don’t resist the resistance.”
Keep up the great work dear ones. Believe that we are right there with you and we’re quite sure the Great Spirit of Dr. David Hawkins is there too!
We love you,
Rev. Steve and Mary