Dear Spiritual Family,
Good Winter’s Day!
I, Rev. Steve, had the opportunity to participate, with a small group who meet regularly to support each other and deepen their spiritual understanding. One member, a neurologist was Jewish, one whose focus is Sufism, two others who consider themselves Buddhist – one of them, a nuclear engineer. And for some balance, a dear, kind lady who happened to be celebrating her birthday. Her spiritual life has been touched deeply by the work of Dr. Joe Dispenza.
The friend in whose home we met had invited me to attend and speak on Christian Mysticism and to bring additional light and perspective to traditional Christianity. My prayer was to be able to contribute something of value to this august group. He had also asked me to chant the Gayatri Mantra – the ancient gift from the Rig Veda dedicated to the Vedic deity, Savitr, known as the “Mother of the Vedas.”
After brief introductions and my sharing some history of my more mystical experiences, I began the chant. As it concluded, the room was filled with a warmth and for me, with the Divine Presence. I led the group in a visualization which, personally, was more kinetic than visual.
We invited to the Circle the Presence of Jesus, of the Buddha, of Lord Krishna and Lao Tse, of His Holiness, the Dalai Lama, of Mother Mary and Mary Magdeline, of Paramhansa Yogananda, of Thich Nat Hahn, of St. Catherine of Siena, of Rumi, and others.
As joyful tears flowed like a river from my eyes, I encouraged bringing into the circle, someone whom we needed to forgive, to see in them a spark of Divine Light that expanded as they stood there and after a time, to release them.
Afterward, comments were made on how healing this was for this one or that one. The lady of the group shared that she felt the overwhelming feeling of Love from each one we had called. “It was indeed a Circle of Unconditional Love.” (More tears and an offer of two Kleenex for yours truly. 😊)
Perhaps, you may want to take a moment, listen to some inspiring music, chant a simple yet moving mantra, or simply breathe deeply for a bit. And then call your “Circle” and as Mary likes to say, “Marinate in this Love.” Let it support you in healing what needs to be healed, in forgiving what or who needs to be forgiven by you.
We can feel and see you there, beloved friends, on your unique and precious, mystical journey. The Masters and Saints are patiently awaiting your call. Enjoy!
We love you,
Rev. Steve and Mary