Dear Spiritual Family,

Happy Thanksgiving Weekend and for that matter, Season! It’s a gift to ourselves to be thankful every day, isn’t it?

The video message that accompanies this letter is: A Whole-Souled Devotion to God. All of the great spiritual masters and mystics through the ages have encouraged mankind to, in Jesus’ words, “Seek first the Kingdom of God” and to do so with all of our hearts, minds, souls, and strength. 

It might be logical to ask, “why, what’s in it for me?” The answer in a few words is everything that matters – peace of mind, love, true happiness, and harmony for ourselves and our world. It is the way we realize Heaven on Earth.

Photo of JesusIn last week’s letter, we promised a clearer perspective on Jesus’ oft-quoted teaching from John 14, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” The clarity and deep truth of this statement is provided by Jesus in Chapter 7 of A Course in Miracles: “When I said ‘I am with you always,’ I meant it literally. I am not absent to anyone in any situation. Because I am with you always, you are the way, the truth, and the life.” (We suggest you delve more deeply into this particular teaching in Chapter 7 in the section entitled, III The Reality of the Kingdom.)

We don’t have to look very far to see “tribulation” in our world. When egos engage, there is an abundance of it! But when we turn away from the dramas of division and place our focus on God, sanity returns. Hope and peace return. And we equip ourselves with the power of Spirit to love as we are created to do. 

In emphasizing God as our Source, Mary reads from Dr. Emile Cady’s classic work, Lessons in Truth. She encourages us to read the first twenty-four pages to build a stronger understanding of just how available God is to us at all times. Quoting from the first chapter: “Oh, if we could only realize that this mighty Power to save and protect, to deliver and to make alive, lives within us and to cease now and forever looking away to others!”

Divine guidance and the blessed assurance of the Holy Spirit and our Wayshower Jesus is available to us at every turn, in every moment… yet we must remember this truth and ask for It. A daily practice of sitting with Jesus in earnest prayer and meditation helps to keep it foremost in our minds and hearts.

In the video, I (Rev. Steve) refer to John 4 in “The Woman at the Well,“ to make the point that it makes no difference to the Christ that we have veered from the path. The Divine meets us and loves us and helps us wherever we are in our journey. It only wants our highest good and is ever with us to help us realize it.

We encourage you to keep your daily walk with God, to be open to the idea and experience of a “whole-souled” devotion to the Father that created us in wholeness and Love. We see and celebrate you as the beautiful, powerful, and precious Beings that you are!

We love you,

Rev. Steve and Mary

Going Deeper

  1. On reading and feeling in your hearts, the first paragraph of The Reality of the Kingdom, section III in ACIM, how are you impacted by this teaching?
  2. What do you think Rev. Steve means in suggesting abandoning “weak-kneed spirituality?” 
  3. What do you do in your own spiritual practices to hasten and deepen a more “whole-souled devotion to God?”

We would love to read your thoughts in the comments below.

God bless you. We love you,

Rev. Steve and Mary

Going Deeper on Zoom – Wednesday, November 30

This group meets on Wednesdays from 6 to 7:15 pm CT following a new video message. To learn more, Email Mary McIntosh.

Rev. Steve and Mary Bolen

Written by Rev. Steve and Mary Bolen


1 Comment

  1. Evin Wilkins

    Hi Rev Steve and Mary! Evin and Mindy Wilkins here! We found your site and couldn’t be happier! I (Evin) am now a Unity minister and want to thank you both for the inspiration you’ve been in our lives. Love and blessings!