About Us
From our Georgia home in the foothills of the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains, we are reaching out to you. Our “work” for most of our married life has been serving in Unity churches in Tennessee, Georgia, Arizona and Texas. Today, we are heeding the call of the Holy Spirit to minister to you through online videos, the written word and other media. The impetus for creating this outreach came to us a short time back when Rev. Steve was hospitalized for ten days with pneumonia. We both clearly saw it as a “wake-up” call and simultaneously knew we needed to get back, in a more dedicated way, to the spiritual principles that have guided our lives. After much prayer and some resistance, here we are. And here you are.
We sincerely hope that we can be of service to you. You can be assured that wherever you are, whatever your background, whatever your needs may be, that you are in our prayers for your highest and best. The Holy Spirit knows just what that is and is always available to you to guide you, to bless you and to love you. And we are here, to love you as well.