Dear Spiritual Family,
This is how we introduced today’s video message:
This week, we honored, as a Nation and as the rest of the Free World, the 80th anniversary of D-Day. Thousands gathered on the shores of Normandy, France and millions of others joined in through the airwaves.
There were scenes of the American Cemetery there – the thousands of headstones – Crosses and Stars of David. Mary and I had the privilege of being there five years ago with her brother, Bill and his wife, Lavena. What we felt so deeply was echoed by a commentator we listened to – a serenity, a feeling of peace and honor.
We also had the honor of scattering at Omaha Beach, the ashes of a dear Friend, a WWII Veteran – Kate Seeley, who had transitioned just a few months before our journey there. Kate played an important role, stateside, in that fateful day in world history. She would often speak to me of the loss she felt as so many perished on that day and the days that preceded and followed.
I would do my best, as her minister and friend to reassure her that in Truth, none were lost, even as they gave all of their physical existence to help win the war and restore peace.
Less than 40 years later, I would find myself serving in a noncombative role in Vietnam in a very different war, but a war nonetheless. Of course, today, we see so much chaos, war and division in the world.
Over 200 years ago, William Wordsworth wrote, “The world is too much with us.” But my question to us today is, “Are we too much with the world?”
By this, I mean, are we more fully using the spiritual faculties that we have to bring light to this world? Are we, as Jesus taught us, letting our light shine to bring healing and peace or are we “hiding it under a basket?”
Today’s Lesson is entitled “An Abundance of Light.” And the light that we are speaking of is the light God not only sees us in but the light that we have been given the full measure of. So how do we “see” this light.
Jesus, in the Gospels said, we must look past appearances. In other words, look past the body.
In A Course in Miracles, Jesus tells us, “Our concern is with Christ’s vision. This we can attain. Christ’s vision has one law. It does not look upon a body, and mistake it for the Son whom God created. It beholds a light beyond the body; an idea beyond what can be touched, a purity undimmed by errors, pitiful mistakes, and fearful thoughts of guilt from dreams of sin. It sees no separation. And it looks on everyone, on every circumstance, all happenings and all events, without the slightest fading of the light it sees.”
How nice it would be if we could just wave a magic wand and have this power! The truth is we don’t need a magic wand. We are each in full possession of the power of vision. But we must use this power. We must practice looking for the light in prayer, in meditation, in the silence and even in the active living that we do.
We find it most helpful to ask for help to “see” this light. Jesus, the Holy Spirit, our Christ Nature is always available and so willing. In the video message, you will have an opportunity to experience this holy endeavor.
Our love is ever with you as you do,
Rev. Steve and Mary