Dear Spiritual Family,

The “Common Thread” that I, Rev. Steve, address in our time together is about our spiritual community, being about what we shared in the previous video message – our desire to seek and love God, celebrate Life, serve Truth and empower others. That is the common thread that we see and honor in you.

The “Uncommon” is about your unconditionality in serving and empowering others. Mary and I are privileged to know most of you and much of what you have experienced over the years. You live these principles and in doing so, you affect great change in the world. Yes, we are referring to you, beloved. 

Are we suggesting that you’re doing it perfectly? No, but we are saying that we see in you – individuals, couples, families, and friends who, more and more, are forgiving and loving in beautiful and often, very elegant ways.

The focus of our ministry is to complement your spiritual journey with lessons – some familiar and some, perhaps new or giving a different twist. Invariably, we are all “challenged” in these spiritual veins to grow in consciousness, to be ever more vigilant for God and His Kingdom as Jesus in A Course teaches.

And invariably, sometimes, we will fall short. We will air our grievances and make judgments and “supply” ourselves with more people and things to forgive. And  when “sanity” returns to our minds and we open our hearts again, we will again, be refreshed by forgiving and loving “uncommonly.”

So, the message here is also to remind us to be gentle with ourselves and those we hold close, when we “miss the mark” and, when possible, laugh at ourselves or at the least offer a smile in the mirror. We remind ourselves that our Father-Mother only sees the Love. The rest is only illusion – something for the ego to cling to, but then that little self is an illusion too. 

May your week and your life be as beautiful and as magnificent as you.

We love you and we honor you,

Rev. Steve and Mary  

Going Deeper

  1. Will you share a story of when you served another in such a way that you were deeply impacted for the good?
  2. In the Video Message, Rev. Steve offers the challenge of “giving up” grievances for 21 days. (To him, one day is asking a lot.) What might be the benefit to you to take up the challenge and even if you might not do it “perfectly,” how might it make a difference for you in this Lenten Season and how might you use humor to get back on track (if you “slip off”)

Thank you, Precious Beings.

We love you dearly,

Rev. Steve and Mary

Going Deeper on Zoom – Wednesday, March 22

This group meets on Wednesdays from 6 to 7:15 pm CT following a new video message. To learn more, Email Mary McIntosh.

Rev. Steve and Mary Bolen

Written by Rev. Steve and Mary Bolen