An Uncommon, Common Thread

Dear Spiritual Family, The “Common Thread” that I, Rev. Steve, address in our time together is about our spiritual community, being about what we shared in the previous video message – our desire to seek and love God, celebrate Life, serve Truth and empower others....

Ageless Wisdom

Dear Spiritual Family, As this is being written, Mary and I are reflecting on our recent Jennings Family Reunion. It is an annual event we host in our home for Mary’s siblings and their spouses.  With guests on all floors, steps are involved – up and down of course,...

What is God’s Will for You?

Dear Spiritual Family, Happy March! Shall we “march” forth with a most accurate, happy thought? Jesus tells us in A Course in Miracles, “God’s Will for us is perfect happiness.” And of course, what God wills must come to pass. Thank goodness! Yes, we can appear to...

Prayers of the Heart

Dear Spiritual Family, Are you receiving more prayer requests these days? Our friend, Rev. Dr. Michael Beckwith has, over the years, suggested that the news headlines can be viewed as “prayer requests.” Wherever these promptings for Divine help come from, it is...

The Breath of God

Dear Spiritual Family, Some six hundred and fifty years ago, the great Persian poet, Hafiz wrote, “I am a hole in a flute that the Christ’s breath moves through – listen to this music.”  If we are asked the question, “How do you prefer to live your life, as a symphony...