The Great Prayer

Dear Spiritual Family, For two thousand years, The Lord’s Prayer, given to humanity by Jesus in his Sermon on the Mount, has been prayed, uttered, thought, spoken, sung, and written an untold number of times.  The great, twentieth century mystic, Irish-born Emmet Fox...

The Lasting Gift of Queen Elizabeth II

Dear Spiritual Family, As Great Britain and the free world mourns the passing of Queen Elizabeth II, we want to honor her life in this message. Of course, our teaching is that her Soul’s expression has merely transitioned from the physical realm to the non-physical....

Oyaheya (Praise the Spirit)

Dear Spiritual Family, From Psalms 100:4 “Enter into His gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise: be thankful unto Him and bless His Name.” In the video message for this week, the focus is on praise.  Something very powerful happens when we move in the...

Signs and Wonders

Dear Spiritual Family, Recently, we took a trip to connect with one of Mary’s brothers and his wife. On the way, we had occasion to “discover” a unique business in Mobile, Alabama. It’s called Mo-Bay Beignets. Being a lover of these delightful “French doughnuts,” it...

The Altitude of Our Attitude

Dear Spiritual Family, The full title of this week’s video is: “Rising in Consciousness – What Is the Altitude of Your Attitude of Gratitude?” Though it’s a bit of a play on words, the idea can help us uplevel our practice of gratitude and thereby expand our...