Dear Spiritual Family,
Hello Precious Beings, we hope this message finds you feeling wonderful. In other words, we hope this message finds you feeling the Truth of You!
When I, Rev. Steve, was “searching” for inspiration for this writing, I turned to the wisdom of Dr. David Hawkins and the poetry of Rumi. Rumi spoke, “Awe is the salve that will heal our eyes.” Dr. Hawkins spoke of the importance of developing a sense of humor as a fundamental of spiritual growth.
Almost immediately came the thought, “maybe I should “Rumi-nate” on the concept of awe.” (It’s okay to groan here; I did.) But let’s look at the subject of “awe,” ideally as Rumi intended – as the salve that will allow us to see clearly – through healed eyes.
Think of an infant, full of awe, as she discovers her toes or a toddler who runs, wide-eyed into his mother’s waiting arms as she returns home from her workday.
In Matthew 18, Jesus taught it in this way, “Except ye become as little children, you shall not enter the kingdom.” In mystical terms, awe that is based in love for God is a key to the Kingdom. When we are willing to “lose” our littleness and remember our sense of wonder, of authentic awe, we are, in essence, reclaiming our holy, innocent Child. The doors to the Kingdom of God are flung wide open and from there we can look upon the world—at each other—through healed eyes.
And as we are open to develop our sense of humor further, we can more easily laugh at ourselves when we let our made-up, non-awesome self, get the upper hand. When we catch ourselves in anger, in criticism, in righteous judgment, we can ask ourselves, perhaps with a wry smile, “Is this a salve that heals or an annoyance that irritates?” If we can, in that moment, center ourselves in genuine, heart-felt awe for That Which made us in Its own Image and Likeness, we will see with clarity and compassion.
Thank you, Rumi and Dr. Hawkins and Jesus. With you, we stand in awe of the Divine and remember to laugh at the thought that we could ever be separate from You, Father!
We Love You,
Rev. Steve and Mary