A Goodbye that Empowers

Dear Spiritual Family, As we focus on another Sunday together, our thoughts and our heartfelt prayers turn to the people of Los Angeles County and the extremely difficult circumstances that so many there are moving through. We also come together in gratitude for the...

Your Miracle Wand

Dear Spiritual Family, Happy New Year! We hope that your Christmas was one that touched your heart and one that offers many joyful memories. As we write this piece to you, we are in our stateroom, looking out at the peaceful waters of the Caribbean Ocean. We were...

Accepting the Gifts of Christmas

Dear Spiritual Family, Well first, Merry Christmas! Today, in our final video message of the Season, we are focused on the Fourth Sunday of Advent and the Event of Christmas Itself.   In the Fourth Sunday of Advent, the theme is JOY. Jesus said in John 15:11 – “These...

Eternal Love

Dear Spiritual Family, Let’s begin this Advent Sunday with The Lord’s Prayer: Our Father, Who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy Name.Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespassesas we...

Deja True

Dear Spiritual Family, Happy Second Sunday of Advent. As was mentioned in last week’s written piece, Advent has a number of meanings in Christian terminology. In New Thought, we use the concept to include not only the coming of Jesus the Christ, but as the Truth that...