Dear Spiritual Family,

As I, Rev. Steve, write you these thoughts, I am most of the way to our home in Georgia. My return trip from Texas was delayed a bit due to some precarious Spring weather.  

I mention this trip because it relates to what I want to share with you today. While there, I visited a number of our friends and had occasion to encounter many more at a couple of events. It was in a phone conversation that I had with one of our beloved friends that a vision came to me.

We were discussing a situation that deeply concerned both of us. As we listened to each other, I saw a large circle of white light around the place and the people we were focused on. I described what I was seeing to my friend. I told her that it felt very clear to me that I was to see and feel everyone and everything in that “circle” as being loved and blessed by Spirit. Further, to see them inspired and happy, prospered and anchored in Truth in the present moment.   

That image stayed with me throughout the remainder of my time there and is with me now as I share this with you. As I pondered this revelation and spoke of it with others who I thought could add their prayerful energy, it has become clear to me that there is no person or group of people or situation that cannot benefit from our holding such a vision of light and love and wholeness.

It seems to me to be a very useful aid in looking past the appearances of discord and frustration, anger and righteous indignation. In Lesson 138 of A Course in Miracles titled “Heaven is the decision I must make,” we read The conscious choice of Heaven is as sure as the ending of the fear of hell, when it is raised from its protective shield, and is brought to light. Heaven and all that the name implies is our natural state. Our ego can find a million reasons to choose against it, yet our Christ Self always chooses Heaven.

I invite you to join Mary and me in focused prayer in seeing and feeling these “Circles of Light and Love” around you and your loved ones, around our spiritual communities, our nation and our world. And as we pray and meditate on this image and the concurrent feelings, let us know that the Highest in others joins us – our angels and even our loved ones who have passed through the veil into their new lives. Let us feel the presence of Jesus, the comfort of the Holy Spirit and All who come in the Name of God as we live the Truth that sets us free and blesses all of our sisters and brother in the “Circle of Light.”      

We love you dear Friends,

Rev. Steve and Mary