Dear Spiritual Family,
The subject of this week’s video message is faith and begins with Mary sharing a personal story of how faith has helped childhood friends of hers move through very significant yet unexpected difficulty.
And I, Rev. Steve, ask the question, “have you found yourself feeling your faith lagging or even ‘missing in action?’” There is so much these days that tends to direct our attention away from a steadfast faith in God. This faith is absolutely essential to our true happiness and peace.
I share the story from Matthew, Chapter 8, of the centurion who approached Jesus as he entered the city of Capernaum. The soldier was in distress as there was his boy at home who was paralyzed and suffering greatly. Jesus said, “I will come and heal him.” From a place of deep humility, the centurion said, no need, “but just say a word, and my boy will be healed.” In that moment, to the amazement of Jesus, he demonstrated such great faith.
His faith was grounded in his unwavering understanding of the power that Jesus commanded. And this story concludes: “So Jesus said to the centurion, Go, let it be done unto you according to your belief. And his boy was healed in that very hour.”
Jesus taught that if we have faith, even as the size of a tiny, mustard seed, that we will see great good unfolding in our lives. As we focus on this order of faith in God’s Word, of faith in what is true and lasting, we nurture this seed and it grows stronger and larger in our lives. We assume the mantle of the authority of the indwelling Christ and in turn, become open to miracles occurring in our lives.
Faith in the Truth inevitably blesses our lives and expands the blessing that we are in the lives of others. It is on this “rock” that we would build the house of our spiritual consciousness. And this “house” will withstand whatever comes its way!
With great faith in you and great love for you,
Rev. Steve and Mary
Going Deeper
- What did Jesus mean in the parable of the builders, he who built his house on sand?
- Rev. Steve refers to the Word of God and the “word of man?” What do these terms mean to you?
We love you dearly,
Rev. Steve and Mary
Going Deeper on Zoom – Wednesday, April 19
This group meets on Wednesdays from 6 to 7:15 pm CT following a new video message. To learn more, Email Mary McIntosh.