Dear Spiritual Family,
Happy Autumn! There will be cooler weather in most places, Fall colors in many places, lots of football, and the road to the World Series. There is Thanksgiving and the Christmas Season and yes, many other milestones to experience.
Perhaps this is an ideal time to delve deeper into our spiritual practices that help us stay centered (or get centered) and move through what can be an especially hectic time with greater ease and grace.
As I, Rev. Steve, pondered this idea while reading the works of Dr. David Hawkins, I came upon a statement that suggests a practice, a mindset, I am exploring and feel you might want to consider.
In the commentary at the end of Chapter 10 in The Highest Level of Enlightenment, the writer offers:
“At times in our lives, each of us feels alone. It is difficult at such times to grasp the idea that we are all one. We are part of the divine and never alone. It can be helpful to meditate or contemplate on this, exploring how you actually are one with all existence.”
The reader is then encouraged to “feel into” our senses of smell and seeing the flowers and the trees in nature, to feel into the taste of our food. We are reminded of bringing that quality to explore “the connections we have with each and every individual we meet.” I was especially touched with these words, “You may wish to connect with your celestial angels and guides, again feeling into the oneness you have with them.”
On reading those words, I gave myself permission to feel into the Spirit of loved ones who have passed into the next expression of life – to deeply experience how rich and loving and true that feels.
Having just learned of the transition of a beloved friend, I wanted so much to connect with his Essence and this instruction helped me do just that.
In closing, we want to dedicate this message and the video we will share with you next weekend to the memory of that special friend, A.J. Elliott. He was just a few months shy of age ninety-eight when he slipped the bonds of his earthly experience lovingly attended to by his precious wife and friend, Michele, right by his side. We love you A.J. and we thank you for blessing our lives as you did and no doubt, continue to do.
And we love each of you, dear ones,
Rev. Steve and Mary