Dear Spiritual Family,
What does it mean, to “Give God the Upper Hand?” Well, another way of saying this may sound more familiar: “Let God be God in you.” Or, as all of us have heard at one time or another, “Let go and let God.”
Let’s look at it this way by asking ourselves the question, “If indeed, I am as God created me, if in fact, the All-Knowledge, All-Presence, All-Power That God is, created Me, would it behoove me to pay attention when God speaks?”
Would it be wise to defer to this Knowing, Presence, and Power or should I just rely on my own understanding? And if the former, how do I know when God is speaking? Here’s a good test to discern the Truth – Does the “Word” bring deep peace? Does the teaching apply to every circumstance, to every person without exception?
Without exception, the Masters of the Ages have taught a unified lesson in content through various forms. Jesus put it this way, “You shall know the Truth and the Truth shall set you free.” Hence, does the “teaching – the “speaking” leave you feeling free or feeling bound?
One repeating theme of these Masters over the millennia is, in essence, “Forgive and you will see this differently” or “Forgive and this will disappear.” In other words, know the Truth about this situation, condition, person or persons, and the pain, the trouble, the challenge in whatever form, will be healed. You will be free and you will simultaneously provide freedom to the object of your forgiveness. You will be a true “bringer of salvation.” (See A Course in Miracles, Lesson 193.)
When we consistently give God the upper hand, we unburden our minds and open our hearts and we move more truly, more surely into a life that is joyful, peaceful, and on purpose. Thus do we walk the path that our Christ Self calls us to – the Path that inexorably leads us Home.
We love you,
Rev. Steve and Mary