Dear Spiritual Family,

We are taught in New Thought and in the broader spectrum of spiritual disciplines, to go to God for guidance, to go to God in prayer. And when we do so and the answers seem to evade us or the manifestations don’t show up, we might be inclined to wonder, “Well, how holy do I have to be to get through, to be heard by God, by Jesus, by the Indwelling Christ?” “Am I praying amiss? Am I not worthy? What am I doing wrong?”

Reasonable questions these are (as Yoda might put it.) Perhaps it’s just a matter of making such attempts too complex. Truth is simple. And the truth is we are – each of us – as Holy as we need to be. 

Myrtle Fillmore in How to Let God Help You shares this: “When you truly go the Christ within yourself, instead of to your own thoughts, you will receive whatever you need. And unless you heed this instruction, drop the unwise things you’ve been insisting upon, and begin to think of God in you and about you, as the total fullness of every good, you will seem to go through an eternity of confusion and lack and hungering. You must direct your prayers up – not up in the skies but up into God consciousness…..Let me say it again: stop trying so hard to know that everything is as it should be. Just rest your heart and mind and emotions and body in God-Mind. When you are truly thinking God, you cannot struggle to do anything. It is when you are thinking of self that you struggle and see nothing but darkness and grief and failure.” 

We think you would agree that sometimes we just need a little “spiritual spanking” from Mother Myrtle to get our attention and to help us remember the way. When we put God first and pray from our hearts, we can be assured that the Divine connection is made and the current of God’s Love which is always flowing in us and through us, is bringing peace to our minds and the fullness of God to our lives. 

Holy Child of God, we see you receiving all that you need in wondrous forms, in Divine order, and in Divine timing. And so it is. Amen.

We Love You,

Rev. Steve and Mary, Your Partners on the Path