Dear Spiritual Family,
When God called Moses to lead the children of Israel out of Egypt, “Moses said unto God, behold when I come unto the children of Israel, and shall say unto them, the God of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall say to me, ‘what is His name?’ what shall I say to them?”
“And God said unto Moses, ‘I AM THAT I AM’ and He said, ‘Thus shall thou say unto the children of Israel, ‘I AM hath sent me unto you… This is My Name forever and this is My memorial unto all generations.’”
The great New Thought pioneer, Emilie Cady teaches in How I Used Truth – “‘I AM’ then, is God’s Name. Every time you say ‘I am sick. I am weak. I am discouraged,’ are you not speaking God’s name in vain, falsely? I AM cannot be sick. I AM cannot be weary or faint, or powerless, for I AM is all-life, all-power, All-Good.”
This is not a new concept of course. In more modern-day New Thought teaching, it is in fact central to the correct application of these unchanging principles of Truth. Dr. Cady reminds us that we can use our “I AM” in either an “upward” or “downward” way. “I AM the Light of the world,” obviously, an upward use. “I am angry and confused. I am limited. I am in lack.” All, downward ones.
As I, Rev. Steve, think about what is transpiring in Israel and Gaza and much of not only the Middle East but in many other places, here and abroad, I realize that I can use my “I AM” in a way that is empowering and helpful, or a way that gives energy to the difficulties. When I focus on our First Light Prayer List, I can see, affirm, proclaim “challenge” in the appearances with each name I read. OR, I can speak authentic power and light for the lives of those listed there. I choose the latter!
Cady writes, “If you speak the I AM falsely, you will get the result of your speaking.” Conversely, “I AM, spoken upward, toward the good, the true, is sure to outpicture in visible good, in success, in happiness.”
I want to offer a different kind of challenge for the coming week. Be mindful of how you use your I AM. Is it “upward” or “downward?” Is it taking you in the direction of where you truly want to go, what you want to experience? Catch yourself directing the power of your I AM. If you miss the mark, gently bring yourself back.
Affirm: “I AM forgiving. I AM an Agent of Divine Healing. I AM, after all, a Child of God. I AM the Light of the world and I AM shining my Light, my Love, my true Power on all that demands my attention, on those folks and situations close to home and those far away.”
Ever upward, precious Friends.
We love you,
Rev. Steve and Mary