Dear Spiritual Family,
Could you use a break? By this, we mean a break from the appearances of the world. Jesus was well aware that the “world” he took birth in two millenniums ago certainly needed such a break. We read in John 16:33: “These things I have spoken to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”
In other words, I have seen beyond the appearances of war and suffering, of sickness and death, of confusion and doubt. I know of the transitory nature of these things. I know of my Essence and Yours. This is Who we are.
In these “modern times,” he gives us a Divine Restorative in this Lesson #109 in A Course in Miracles: “I rest in God.” It is one of our favorites. It is simple and yet, very powerful and healing. “I rest in God.” This thought will bring you the rest and quiet, peace and stillness, and the safety and the happiness you seek. The lesson continues and we would encourage you to spend time with it.
We have learned, although we forget much of the time, that one cannot make sense of the world of appearances at the level of illusions. We must root ourselves in Truth and bring whatever worldly concerns we may have in front of us into the light of Truth – into the Kingdom of God.
If our focus remains “in” the world, we lose our spiritual compass and wander needlessly in the appearance – in the “tribulations” in all their varying forms.
In this vital lesson, “I rest in God,” Jesus encourages us, “You call to all to join you in your rest, and they will hear and come to you because you rest in God.” Thus our willingness to “rest in God” serves not only as a restorative for ourselves but as a Gift to all of our sisters and brothers and every living thing.
“Each hour that you take your rest today, a tired mind is suddenly made glad, a bird with broken wings begins to sing, a stream long dry begins to flow again. The world is born again each time you rest, and hourly remember that you came to bring the peace of God into the world, that it might take its rest along with you.”
Beloved Family, we rest in God with you. And we thank you for joining in, in ways that are gentle and perfect for you, to find the abiding peace and comfort that God intends for all of us.
Thank you, Jesus. Thank You, Holy Spirit. Thank You, Father for the Truth that brings us such rest and sets us free!
We love you,
Rev. Steve and Mary