Dear Spiritual Family,

In John 16:33 we read Jesus’ words, “In the world you have tribulation; but behold, I have overcome the world.” 

If joy and peace and love are indeed our birthright, given to us by our beloved Creator, how can we live from these ideals with so much “tribulation” going on?

Dr. Roger Teel in his classic work, This Life Is Joy, cites this scripture and adds, “What he probably meant to say – and actually may have said, beyond the comprehension of his listeners then – is, in the world you have tribulation; but I Am overcomes the world.” 

Centered in the I Am consciousness, we are able to rise above the fray – the tribulations of the world and experience life as God wills it for us. Four guiding principles offered by Mary in a recent church service we were part of, helps us live more fully in this sacred and true state of being: 

  1. Stay Present – Stay present to the presence of the Holy Spirit, the gift our Father gave us in the moment we thought we were separate from Him. Stay present to the constant, all-loving Way-Shower in Jesus. Present to the angels that are always looking after us and present to our true Self – the Christ we are.
  2. Stay Open – Open to everyday gifts all around us. The gift of a beautiful sunrise, the laughter of a child, a gentle touch on our shoulder from a beloved or even a stranger. Stay open and porous to simple and often profound insights that reveal themselves to us in quiet moments.
  3. Stay in Love – Allow the Love that is expressed to us to empower our willingness to love. Pause and deeply feel the Love that our Father holds us in, the very Love from which and of which we are made. Stay in the knowing that your Love is a Light that blesses the world!
  4. Stay Grateful – Heartfelt gratitude is a surefire way to lift us from a stuck place to a higher place. And the more we feel it, the more we embody and experience true joy, peace, love and abundance in our lives.

Beautiful Family, we feel your presence. Thoughts of you help us keep our hearts open and receptive. We experience your love in so many different ways. And we are ever grateful that you are in our lives and that you allow us to be in yours.

We Love You,

Rev. Steve and Mary