Dear Spiritual Family,

Suppose you were called before a jury of your peers having been charged with (fill in the blank) – anything that comes to mind that you have felt “guilty” about. That’s a bit daunting to think about. But wait, what if the “verdict” is: “Innocent?” For you see these “peers” see beyond all the mistakes you have made, beyond all the misconceptions about yourself and others that you have entertained throughout your life. “Innocent” is the pronouncement every single time. 

In this message, we borrow an analogy from Dr. David Hawkins in his book, Healing and Recovery. In the chapter on depression, he speaks of our inherent innocence and how when we arrive in these newborn bodies, our minds are like computer hardware awaiting the times when the “software” of others’ words, expressions, and examples are “placed” into our systems. Parents, teachers, and other influencers in our young lives, for the most part, well-meaning, offer their beliefs, opinions, and ideas, some helpful and some not so helpful. 

This is, essentially, life on the planet as we know it for virtually everyone. For those “programs” that have been given that serve us in a higher quality of life way, we can keep them “running.” Conversely, for those that detract from our life path, we can release them without making the person or persons or situations who gave them to us wrong. 

For example, there is a more or less universal program that most still hold onto. It is the belief that our happiness comes to us from “out there.” “When this or that happens or doesn’t happen, then I can be happy.” Yet all the enduring wisdom teachings ensure that our happiness comes from within. That in fact, it is a God-given quality. In the language of A Course in Miracles, “God’s will for me is perfect happiness.” Amen to that!

When we are in pain – mentally, emotionally, physically – or feeling spiritually lacking, we can choose to see this as a signal to become still, center ourselves in the feeling of God’s Love, and access our inherent innocence, our true Self. As we do this, we elevate our consciousness to attract the energies of healing and true power. Mary introduces the visual of the Native American Medicine Wheel to aid us in centering in the Peace of God and from that place, directing “assistance” to the areas of our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual lives.        

We trust that you will find in this video message a clarity of these ideas and a meditation that will be helpful in incorporating them in your life. Of course, as always, the Holy Spirit is here to help. We only need to ask. 

We love you dear and precious, innocent Beings,

Rev. Steve and Mary