Dear Spiritual Family,

In this Easter Season, our thoughts invariably turn to our Master Teacher, Jesus. One of his most devoted “students” was St. Francis of Assisi. Here was a man who, in the eyes of the world, got started “on the wrong foot.” In more specific language, he was a first-class hell-raiser. But this early life was not to be the fate of one who would become one of the great mystics of the Ages.

Almost five years ago, we had the privilege of visiting Assisi where we were deeply touched by his story and the aura of Spirit we found so prevalent there. It reminded us of the “staying power” of love. In the Prayer of St. Francis that has inspired millions over the centuries, he asked to be made an “instrument of God’s Peace.” 

As I (Rev. Steve) reflected on his words, I saw an image of a large orchestra where hundreds of us had gathered to play our own “instruments of Love.” The music was ethereal. The “Conductor,” you might guess, was our Wayshower, Jesus. There was no sense of competition – “why is he in the ‘first chair?’ etc. 😊 There was only absolute harmony and beautiful healing music.

Of course, we are often reminded by the spiritual giants that “our music,” the music of our hearts, which is love, is so needed in our world today. The power and efficacy of this love is quickened by our devotion to God, our earnest worship of God and our love for God. 

In the words of White Eagle in The Quiet Mind, “To love is to live in God. Loving is activity in God, so that every thought and action is in God – not in the world. When a man loves he no longer responds to the vibrations of destruction and death, but to those of the more abundant life.”

In the vein of today’s message, let us play, with great intent and purpose, our instruments of love. Directed by the Master Conductor, we may bless every heart with the Music of the Divine and thereby hasten the experience of the “more abundant life!”  

We love you, precious Instrument of God,

Rev. Steve and Mary

Rev. Steve and Mary Bolen

Written by Rev. Steve and Mary Bolen


1 Comment

  1. Katherine Quinn

    Recently I put together a new metal bed and ended up with 4 small pieces I just couldn’t figure out. I decided to soldier on and complete the assembly knowing it’d be imperfect. I’m keeping those parts in case it ever dawns on me where they go in the assembly. Your sermons always remind me to do my best but trust in a loving Zgod that more will be revealed in my spiritual life also as I mature and grow in my faith. Have a blessed week!