Dear Spiritual Family,

The powerful words, “Praise the Spirit” and the energy behind them in the song, “Oyaheya” have become an anchoring point for many. In the video message that accompanies this writing, we focus on praise – praising God, praising the Holy Spirit, and praising the indwelling Christ!

“Oyaheya” was written by Rev. Drs. Rickie Byars and Michael Beckwith and yes, you’ve heard it sung by me, Rev. Steve, more than once. It speaks to us with such clarity and reminds us of the power of praising what is True and Loving and Healing.

The title for this message, “Keep Calm and Wake Up Jesus” was inspired by Mary when she discovered a lesson I had given eleven years ago. The context is the Disciples in the boat when the storm was raging, and Jesus was sleeping. We don’t know if they had the forethought to say, “Keep Calm” but the imperative was clear, “Wake up Jesus!” And they did and he immediately spoke the words, “Peace, be still,” and the waters became calm. 

Keep Calm and Carry On Poster

When we are buffeted by the raging thoughts we hold, the upsets, the angers, the hatred, the confusion, it is ALWAYS wise, to “Wake up Jesus!” In other words, to get centered in God, to call on the comfort of the Holy Spirit, and to recognize that the Christ within has all the resources needed to calm the stormy waters in our lives.  

Mary also found the reminder created by the British at the outset of World War II – “Keep Calm and Carry On,” and she shares some of the story behind that. We encourage a version of that: “Keep Calm and Praise the Spirit.” 

The final verse of “Oyaheya” is: There’s a silence in the stillness of the Wholly, Holy Spirit – Oh what a Light God is shining, let us see It everywhere, let us be It everywhere. 

Heartfelt praise will help us see and be that Light. Oyaheya – Hallelu!

We Love You,

Rev. Steve and Mary