Dear Spiritual Family,

Today, let’s look at the efficacy of humor on our spiritual path. There’s so much in the world today, it seems, to take seriously. I, (Rev. Steve) could start naming them, one by one and I’m quite sure I could fill the page with those “things.” 

You’ve often read or heard us speak of Dr. David Hawkins, one of this age’s great teachers and spiritual models. He wrote, “Humor recontextualizes things. It puts it in a different context. And humor arises out of the contrast between the linear content and the nonlinear context which is what makes it humorous.” (I find it, a bit funny, that I have to really think about that statement to “get it.” 😊) He goes on to say, “And the great humorists live long. People like George Burns who made it to 100.” 

Honest laughter, we know from studies, promotes vitality in our cells in the form of endorphins. There are many beautiful stories of people using humor to promote healing and return to a full and productive life.

In our own lives, we have found that humor has “saved our lives” on more than one occasion. From working in the corporate world, to raising a family, to over 35 years in ministry, we have employed our senses of humor to help us keep a healthier perspective, to “recontextualize” and to metaphorically, lighten our load.

Here’s a bit of humor from a dear, octogenarian friend of ours: “So a neighbor knocked on my door at 3AM….3AM!! Luckily I was already up playing the bagpipes.” Mary and I found this one helpful as we have a neighbor with two loudly barking dogs who typically start their day at 4AM. We’re now looking online for a good price on bagpipes! 😊 😊

One more – “Apparently exercise helps you with decision-making. It’s true. I went for a run this morning and decided I’m never going again.”

Bless you, dear friends, please keep laughing and know how much we love you,

Rev. Steve and Mary      

Rev. Steve and Mary Bolen

Written by Rev. Steve and Mary Bolen