Dear Spiritual Family,
Happy Third Sunday of Advent! In the video message that accompanies this letter, we focus on love and touch on “joy,” as it is the central theme of the Fourth Sunday of Advent. We will address joy more fully in our letter to you next week.
Mary shares from a Daily Word from 1997 – “God’s love radiates from me to bless others. There is power in divine love, and no matter how much I love, there is still more love within me to give…As my spiritual awareness increases, my love takes on a divine nature that sees God in all creation. God’s love radiates from me to bless others, and my ability to love and be loving grows and grows.”
In addition to the “normal” stresses that accompany these holidays, we are aware of many that we know who are facing health challenges, relationship conflicts, and the loss of loved ones. Virtually all of us are attuned to divisions at home and abroad. Our teaching reminds us that peace doesn’t come to us by letting our “gaze” remain on these things. The great twentieth-century mystic, Emmet Fox wrote, “We always grow into that which we contemplate.”
A practical application in dealing with the thoughts of fear or anger or judgment is offered in Lesson 338 of A Course in Miracles. It is titled, “I am affected only by my thoughts.” Paraphrasing, “Your thoughts can frighten you, but since these thoughts belong to you alone, you have the power to change them and exchange each fear thought for a thought of love.”
The gift of Jesus into our world represents the grace of God and His unbridled love for all of us. In loving rests our recognition of our true and lasting Oneness. What better time than Christmas to deepen both our appreciation for the power of love and our ability and need to give and receive it – indeed to “employ” it to replace our thoughts of fear or hatred or dismay?
In the message, I, (Rev. Steve) suggest using the words “Merry Christmas” as code for “I love you.” And when the stranger or friend returns the greeting, we hear… “and I love you!”
It’s one seemingly small way to heighten our awareness of love and wring the very best from the Season by increasing our capacity to love and be loved.
In that vein, Merry Christmas to you,
Rev. Steve and Mary
Going Deeper
- In the video, Rev. Steve references a lady who had traveled widely, hoping to finally find a spiritual master who would “agree” that she was, indeed, a victim. And when she sat with Dr. David Hawkins, he wisely offered, “maybe there’s another option.” What might such an option look like?
- If you find the “code” as a helpful tool to deepen in love, what creative ways can you suggest to remain mindful when you offer and receive the greeting? And how can you expand the concept into the coming New Year?
We would love to read your thoughts in the comments below.
God bless you. We love you,
Rev. Steve and Mary
Going Deeper on Zoom – Wednesday, December 14
This group meets on Wednesdays from 6 to 7:15 pm CT following a new video message. To learn more, Email Mary McIntosh.