Dear Ones,
A very close and long-time friend of ours and someone who is a great healer in this world wrote recently, “Love heals everything.” Her life is a testament to the truth of these words. For over five decades she has “labored” in the fields of helping others shift their thinking and feeling to align with the power of God’s Love and thus experience many miracles in their lives.
On the occasion of the first Anniversary of “First Light Ministry” it is only fitting that Love be the focus of this message to you, our precious spiritual family. We, too have been given the gift of witnessing, time after time, the healing power of Love for so many.
When we feel that our hearts are somehow hindered in feeling and expressing that love, freely and fully, we only have to ask ourselves, “Am I sitting in judgment of myself or another?” Invariably the honest answer is “yes.” A Course in Miracles reminds us that “Love holds no grievances.” And when we are free of judgments – we are free of grievances and we are free to forgive.
Jesus teaches in A Course that we are incapable of judging because we are never in possession of all the facts. It is impossible to know everything about someone’s past, present and future, all of their thoughts, all that they have done or not done or will do or not do. This is the function of the Holy Spirit.
If we choose to let the Holy Spirit make the “call” on who we are and who our sister or brother is, He always makes the same pronouncement, “You are the sinless, guiltless Holy Child of God.” If we trust that this is true, forgiveness follows, and Love flows without effort. It is the natural outcome of such Trust.
Our spiritual vision becomes clear as our minds are open to resonate with the Divine in ourselves and each other. This state of loving is our inherent oneness. All else is pretense that simply divides and leaves us wanting.
Consider accepting this understanding as God’s gift of love to you this Valentine’s week. Please know that it comes packaged with our deep and abiding love for each of you, for love indeed, heals everything and everyone,
Rev. Steve and Mary
By the way, we will be bringing the meditation and message at the 11:25 AM service at Unity Church of the Hills on Sunday, Feb. 19, 2023. Feel free to tune in via their website: or through YouTube. We are there, too, to serve as the Officiants for the Celebration of Life Service for our good friend, John Camden, the day before at 2 PM.