Dear Spiritual Family,
Happy Father’s Day to fathers and father-figures everywhere. And to the One who created us all—Our Father!
It’s the perfect time to reflect on and feel appreciation for fathers—those who “filled the bill” in that role and those who came up short as we see it. A perfect day to honor and celebrate and also to forgive and have compassion.
Truth reminds us that we are Spiritual Beings and the Author of our Beingness is God. Not a god that scolds and punishes and banishes those who “fall short,” but the One God that loves and blesses and calls us His own. This is the God that our Wayshower came to teach. This is the Divine that all the great Masters beckon us to experience.
Placing our focus on Truth doesn’t diminish our love or appreciation for our earthly fathers. It enhances our ability to love them or to have compassion for them and to forgive their missteps whatever the degree of error those may be. And it prompts us to stand in the Light and the beauty of our own Divinity.
If, instead, in the words of Dr. Roger Teel, we continue to “buy into the reports of the senses, the assumptions of the intellect, the fears of the ego and the broadcasts of mass thinking,” then we move farther away in consciousness from Oneness with God and thereby with each other. Truth and error cannot simultaneously occupy the same space.
Let’s find some time on this occasion to humbly ask our Father to come more fully into our awareness, to feel His perfect Love and to bask in a deeper realization of our Holy relationship with Him. If indeed as A Course in Miracles teaches, “God’s will for us is perfect happiness” then we must do our part to open up and receive it.
As we do, we are able to be better fathers and mothers, sons and daughters, brothers and sisters; better able to claim our Divine Nature and witness the illusion of separation dissolve. What better Father’s Day gift could we give to the One who loves us beyond all our wildest imaginings—now and always!
With our love for you,
Rev. Steve and Mary