Dear Friends,
We begin with a memory from Mary:
I have such happy memories of Palm Sundays and the Holy Week events leading up to Easter. My childhood Church was The Disciples of Christ, a small community with a great love for Jesus. That love was reflected by those in attendance and going to Sunday School and Church Services was always joyful for me. My heart is full of gratitude!
On Palm Sunday each of us kids were given a Palm Branch to be carried down the main aisle of the sanctuary at the close of the message. With great enthusiasm and while my mother played the organ and the choir sang Hosanna, we would proudly march toward the altar waving our branches triumphantly!
So many Palm Sundays ago, but I have never forgotten my part, then and now, in celebrating Jesus’ peaceful arrival into Jerusalem. “Hosanna, Hosanna, In the Highest.”
Last Sunday, we offered a video message that encouraged us to do our best to offer the lilies of forgiveness instead of a crown of thorns when presented with a challenging person or situation. As I (Rev. Steve) reflect on how I’ve done with that “homework” so far in the first of these two Holy Weeks, I‘m quite positive Mary doesn’t have to worry about me “ascending” any time soon. My ego has gotten “stuck” with those thorns more than once. So maybe this is a good time as we begin the “official” Holy Week, to offer ourselves those lilies of forgiveness.
Throughout his ministry as Jesus of Nazareth, our Wayshower seized every opportunity to forgive his disciples; the very ones who were with him still fell short even as they witnessed miracle after miracle and saw thousands marvel at his teaching.
Let’s focus on them for a moment as we begin this week – the twelve disciples – who ran the gamut of emotions and mistakes in this most auspicious of times. The Co-Founder of Unity, Charles Fillmore equated them with aspects of our own natures in The Twelve Powers of Man. Left to their own devices, things usually went astray.
When they, instead, aligned with the Mind of Christ, only good resulted. What if we commit to heed the great teachings of Jesus this week? What if we more consciously choose to walk with him who loves us completely and wants only the very highest for each of us? Surely, if we do, then we will see the Crucifixion with new eyes and arise on Easter Morning with a new heart, ready to be the teachers he would have us be, the Light he would have us shine into a world so in need of lilies.
Happy Palm Sunday.
We Love You,
Rev. Steve and Mary