Dear Spiritual Family,
On this day, in Christianity, we celebrate the Second Sunday of Advent. The focus for this week is Peace. Next week it is Love and on the last Sunday before Christmas Day, Joy, with the first week being Hope and Faith. Advent, in this context means “the coming of Christ.”
This time of Advent is also associated with “Light,” essentially culminating with the Winter Solstice when the days with the least light give way to the increase of daylight as the “days grow longer.”
Almost always, when the subject of “peace” comes up, we think of peace, as in “no war” or peace in the Nation or just peace in our homes and our relationships. That experience of peace is desirable but for the most part, seems impossible.
I, (Rev. Steve) chose to title this message “Peace to My Mind.” The words which have been set to music (that often play in my head), come from A Course in Miracles. It goes, Peace to my mind, let all my thoughts be still. Today I am Your Son again. Father, I love You and I love Your Son.” Of course,W “Son” here, means all of us – all the Beloved of the Father.
Jesus modeled this “peace that passeth all understanding,” in his walk upon the Earth as teacher and Master. He knew and knows, that this is the Peace of God and that it is ever available to us – not “out there in the world” but within. All the great mystics and masters have taught that as we rest our focus there, we will see the evidence of that intention, in the world.
A couple of weeks back, we encouraged the idea of spending some quality time each day in deepening our relationship with our Wayshower, Jesus. How is that going for you? We have witnessed several miracles in our lives. Thank you, Jesus!
In the truest sense, Advent speaks to quickening our awareness of the Indwelling Christ. For us, in mystical Christianity, the birth and life of Jesus the Christ and our own “rebirth” and authentic life are inextricably tied.
As we contemplate and seek a richer knowing of this kind of peace, we can remember that the very one who introduced it to the Western world some two thousand years ago, is fully present in the here and now, to each of us, to help us dwell in this true Peace more and more. And as we do, peace on Earth invariably comes closer and closer.
We love you,
Rev. Steve and Mary