Dear Spiritual Family,

While in Texas over the last couple of weeks, I, Rev. Steve, had the good fortune to teach a New Member Class at Unity of Georgetown. The content included a brief history of Unity and the Five Principles of our movement. 

What makes a “principle” enduring is that it is always applicable. We can attempt to dilute it or think that the Universe makes exceptions to it but if that was possible, it wouldn’t be a principle would it?

The First of these principles is God Is. God is Omniscience, Omnipotence and Omnipresence. And Unconditional Love is the quality of God’s All-Knowledge, All-Power and All-Presence.

Secondly, that’s Who and What we are. The Creator cannot create that which It is not. Thank goodness!

Third, and my focus in this message, is the Law of Mind Action which teaches that we create our life experience out of our thoughts and feelings. In essence, our life experience is a reflection of the state of our consciousness.

What we focus on expands. If we hold in mind, as individuals and collectively, the good, we manifest that in our lives. And vice versa, if we entertain the negative, we get to experience more of that. It’s not the random thoughts and feelings that produce the outcome – favorable or otherwise. It is the ones we focus on, discuss, maybe even enroll others to discuss. There’s a teaching that comes to us from the East. “You can’t keep the birds from flying in your hair but you can keep them from building a nest there!”     

“There is nothing to fear.” This is the title of Lesson Number Forty-Eight in A Course in Miracles. It states, “The idea for today simply states a fact. It is not a fact to those who believe in illusions, but illusions are not facts. In truth, there is nothing to fear. It is very easy to recognize this. But it is very difficult to those who want illusions to be true.”  

It is what we teach in this work and do our best to live by. We recognize there are many things “out there” to get worked up about. Scenarios that our egos love to focus on. We get to ask ourselves, “Is this what I want to happen? Is this what I want my life experience to be? One of our most profound teachers taught, “You can’t ride two horses with one behind!” 

Do we “saddle up” the horse that takes us in the direction of peace and prosperity or do we keep riding the one that takes us in the direction that depletes the quality of our life? The choice is ours. 

Either way, we cannot really affect our Holiness and our immortal Life, but isn’t the scenery so much more beautiful and the feeling so much more fun on the first horse?

We love you and we want for you a life that is harmonious and free, joyful and loving,

Rev. Steve and Mary