Dear Spiritual Family,

In the classic film, The Sound of Music, we hear the words, “Let’s start at the very beginning, a very good place to start….”

So “a very good place to start may be to ask, “What is the true “beginning?” Well, in Chapter 1, verse 1, of John, we find, “The Word was in the beginning and that very Word was with God, and God was that Word.”   

And what does the Word – God – have to say to you and me – to all of us? I LOVE YOU! YOU ARE MADE IN MY IMAGE AND LIKENESS. DON’T FORGET THIS AND IF YOU DO, REMEMBER IT! DON’T LET OTHER STUFF GET IN THE WAY!

Now, we hate to put words in God’s mouth but honestly, this is what we believe. 

We chose to focus on letting go of guilt today because we know, we can’t simultaneously hold onto the feelings of guilt and fear, et. al., and FEEL God’s LOVE at the same time.

Guilt is a hot topic these days. Have you noticed? Guilt for a thousand reasons and for millions of people. To hold on to it, to focus on it is to tie our spiritual hands and more so, tie our spiritual hearts in knots.

So how do we let it go? Dr. David Hawkins gives us this beautiful mechanism for healing feelings of guilt and shame and grief and anger – all those emotions that inhibit our growth and prohibit us from feeling the freedom of Spirit and happiness that God wills for us. 

Here is… at least the “beginning” of it: 

The Mechanism of Letting Go – “Letting go involves being aware of a feeling, letting it come up, staying with it, and letting it run its course without wanting to make it different or do anything about it. It simply means to let the feeling be there and to focus on letting out the energy behind it. The first step is to allow yourself to have the feeling without resisting it, venting it, fearing it, condemning it or moralizing about it. It means to drop judgment and to see that it is just a feeling.”   

Please consider his book on the subject, Letting Go – The Pathway of Surrender for the full process and to more fully understand and utilize this teaching. It is a classic, spiritual text. 

The principle you have often heard us refer to is: What you focus on expands.

If we are focused on guilt and anger and fear, we will bring more into our lives to feel guilty about, be angry about and fearful of. If we focus on the Word, on God’s Love, we are empowered to heal those negative feelings and live the life that God has willingly, happily, given to us. Dr Hawkins’ mechanism gives us the tool to allow the energy in order to heal it, which is very different than focusing on it. 

Let’s choose Life and be willing to let go of that which stands in our way. Let’s choose forgiveness for ourselves and others and rightfully claim a great life of Love and Joy!


Rev. Steve and Mary