Dear Spiritual Family,
Have you ever wondered why we, in Unity, refer to Jesus the Christ as “The Wayshower?” Although the answer may be obvious, let’s explore it a little deeper. Virtually all of us are familiar with the Scripture from John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to my Father but by me.” It is arguably, one of the most misunderstood teachings of the New Testament.
For now, let’s say that Jesus was in fact, conveying a mystical teaching, in essence, saying “I will show you the way back to God, back to our original state of Oneness.” In next week’s video message, we will dive deeper into the verses before and after John 14:6 that adds context and clarity to Jesus’ words to the Disciple Thomas on that day.
Suffice it to say, these times we live in, are “interesting times.” To many, they are downright very difficult times. It is reasonable and wise in such times to look for direction, guidance, and help. Divine Truth offers all of this and so much more. We can rely on Jesus, just as our “pioneers” in Unity and New Thought did, to show us the way. How do we do this though? How do we seek and find the counsel of our beloved Wayshower?
We begin by having faith that he is constantly available to us, essentially, by taking him at his word. “Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of time.” When we, personally, have “tested” this reliance on him and placed our faith in him, he has proven time and again, that he is indeed with us and has guided us in ways that blessed and prospered us, that helped us navigate through some very turbulent waters.
We often say and sing the words, “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God” but do we then actually seek with faith and fervor, that Love that is the foundation of the Kingdom, that is the very Essence that God is? If we rely on the intellect, we’re destined for failure and upset.
That Kingdom, that Love, is Who and What we are. It lives within our hearts and it is not only the “tie that binds us,” it is the way that we truly see each other and claim our Sisterhood and Brotherhood. It is the very evidence that we are each and all, the Beloved of God.
Try this. Mary and I will be doing it with you over these next two weeks. Sit with Jesus, much like our Co-Founder, Myrtle Fillmore did as she sought to find healing over a century ago. Sit once a day and call on him to help you with whatever troubles you most. Ask him earnestly, “What do I do? What do I say? Where do I go?” Then wait and have faith that you will be shown the way. He will be there.
In closing, this week we celebrate Thanksgiving. Please know how grateful we are to each of you for being a part of our lives. Thank you for your love for all those you touch, for all those you hold in love in your precious mind, and for the divine difference you make in this world and in Heaven as well.
May your mind be peaceful and your heart be glad.
We love you,
Rev. Steve and Mary