In the Series on Making Room for God by Letting Go
Dear Spiritual Family,
“You are Spirit, a Holy Child of God, free of all limits, safe and healed and whole, free to forgive and free to save the world.” – Jesus’ teaching in A Course in Miracles.
This Truth was set to music several decades ago by a young man whose body was wracked by a.i.d.s. We first heard it at Unity Village some thirty years ago in a presentation by Louise Hay. It is a beautiful mantra made even more so by the sweet Spirit who put it to music and brought to our awareness by Louise.
The peace, the happiness, the love that this Truth can bring to each of us, patiently waits for us just as the Holy Spirit patiently waits for us to help reveal it to us.
We have undertaken in this Series on Letting Go based in Dr. David Hawkins’ work, to help bring to your (and our) awareness, the very practical tool that is the technique of letting go.
In this week’s video message, we explore a little deeper what he has named “simplifying the levels of consciousness into three major states: inert, energetic and peaceful.” While it is not practical to thoroughly cover these three states in this format, hopefully you are inspired to explore it more deeply through his books.
Wherever we might find ourselves in the first two levels – in grief or fear or desire, anger or pride (as Dr. Hawkins clarifies this state), we can consciously release the feelings by noticing them, “letting them come up, staying with them and letting them run their course without wanting to make them different or do anything about them.”
Doing so, as consistently as possible, even when we feel we’re making little progress or have the thought, “this is too simple; it must be harder than this,” even when we resist in other ways, we will inevitably move into the very desirable state of peace through courage, acceptance, reason and love to the peace that is our natural state.
YOU are Spirit, the Holy Child of God. YOU are free of all limits. YOU are safe and healed and whole. YOU are free to forgive and free to save the world. This is our Divine Inheritance. Let us claim it and rest in the happiness that God indeed wills for us.
Jesus, the Holy Spirit, our Angels, the Loving Spirit of Dr. Hawkins are right here with us to help us “stake our claim!”
We love you so,
Rev. Steve and Mary