Dear Spiritual Family,
Useful questions in today’s times, or any time for that matter, that might be asked are: How are you seeing the world these days? Are you more encouraged or more discouraged by what you see? How peaceful do you feel? How resolute are you in your “spiritual stance?”
In this video message, you’re asked to rate yourself:
What is your sense of peace on a scale from 1 to 10? Please take a moment to settle on a score on this “scale of peace.” No judgement. This is not about feeling guilty. It’s just intended to be a help.
There is an old expression, “He who won’t stand for something, will fall for almost anything.” If we have been inclined to be timid or wavering in our stand for Truth (for Love), we tend to fall for the illusion of fear and its companions.
The Lesson from A Course in Miracles that is referenced in the talk is #160 – “I am at home. Fear is the stranger here.” In it Jesus explains, we are either allowing the “stranger” of fear in our “home” or we are hosting Love. Both cannot co-exist.
In the New Testament, Jesus taught, “Let your words be ‘yes’ and ‘no.’” The quality of our spiritual lives increases as we say:
Yes to Love and no to fear. Yes to forgiveness and no to holding onto grievances. Yes to peace and no to conflict and turmoil. What else would you choose to stand firm in, saying “yes” to and “no” to?
We remind you of how available our Loving Father-Mother is to you through Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, to your very Self, the Christ indwelling to help you stand more resolutely in Truth. And we also remind you that we are here for you, praying for the highest and best in and for your life and those you hold dear. Feel free to reach out to us as you are guided.
We Love You,
Rev. Steve and Mary