Dear Spiritual Family,
Is the practice of spiritually motivated surrender really “sweet?” Try it and see if it is so for you. Today’s message is heavily inspired by the work of Dr. David Hawkins in his book, Letting Go – The Pathway to Surrender. Here is a man, a pioneer in the research of consciousness, a lecturer, author, physician, clinician, and scientist who proved over and over the power and efficacy of authentically letting go.
Regarding the benefits of letting go, he writes, “The more we let go, the more loving we become. More and more of our life will be spent doing things that we love to do, with people for whom we feel increasing love. As this happens, our life becomes transformed.”
In the video message, you were promised the written detail for the clear and simple mechanism for letting go. Here it is from Dr. Hawkins:
“Letting go involves being aware of a feeling, letting it come up, staying with it, and letting it run its course without wanting to make it different or do anything about it. It means simply to let the feeling be there and to focus on letting out the energy behind it. The first step is to allow yourself to have the feeling without resisting it, venting it, fearing it, condemning it, or moralizing it. It means to drop judgment and see that it is just a feeling. The technique is to be with the feeling and surrender all efforts to modify it in any way. It is resistance that keeps the feeling going. A feeling that is not resisted will disappear as the energy behind it dissipates.
“By continuously letting go, it is possible to stay in the state of freedom. Feelings come and go, and eventually you realize you are not your feelings, but that the real ‘you’ is merely witnessing them. You stop identifying with them. The ‘you’ that is observing and is aware of what is happening always stays the same.”
Although this is not the complete text of Doctor Hawkins’s “Mechanism of Letting Go,” it can serve as a good beginning. In the video, the two feelings we focus on “working” with are fear and anger. You can begin with whatever may be up for you at this time. This “work” offers big benefits that far outweigh the time you take to avail yourself of it. You’re encouraged to study and utilize the book (available through Veritas Publishing). It is a real treasure.
“Sweet, Sweet Surrender” our beloved John Denver wrote and sang, “Live, live without care, like a fish in the water, like a bird in the air.” As a dedicated student of spirituality, he yearned for us to feel the genuine freedom that comes with surrendering our fears to love and our anger to peace. We hold that freedom for you, dear ones, and feel you holding it for us and for others!
We love you,
Rev. Steve and Mary
Going Deeper
- What feelings are “up” for you as we come together? Can we take a moment to support each other in letting go as a facilitator takes us through the steps? (It would be helpful here to slowly read the full 2 pages of “The Mechanism” found on pages 19-21.)
- What helpful steps might you put in place in your daily living, to gently remind you to stop when “unwanted” feelings arise and do the steps to release the energy behind them?
Deep Blessings and Gratitude for each of you,
Rev. Steve and Mary
Going Deeper on Zoom – Wednesday, January 25
This group meets on Wednesdays from 6 to 7:15 pm CT following a new video message. To learn more, Email Mary McIntosh.