Dear Spiritual Family,

Many of our messages to you these days, have to do with rising in consciousness above the fray. While there is a plethora of chaos and upset of the world of appearance, there is only peace, love and tranquility in the world of Truth. 

This is not to suggest that the truth of Love and Joy and Generosity is not revealing Itself before us and as us every day. It is! But the goal is to place our focus on the good and be guided as to what is ours to do or not do with the “other.”

Over the years, Mary and I have sung a song to you that has its origins in A Course in Miracles. “The Peace of God Is Shining in You Now” reminds us that the enlightenment that we seek doesn’t require a change but instead a recognition that the light that we are is not of the world of chaos, fear, blame, and separation. It is the light we “bring with us” from God. It is the Christ of our Beingness. 

When we choose to remember and embrace this light, God’s peace is felt, experienced and honored. In our thirty-five years as a couple, we have needed to remember this truth over and over as challenges – some little and some very big- arose prompting our egos to abandon that peace and identify instead with how tough things were, how unfair, how terrible. We have also had the great privilege of watching many of you opt for the high road of peace, love and light in the face of such difficult times and situations. 

The “call” of the ego to identify with being wronged or abandoned or betrayed or you fill in the blank… is most enticing but answering that call doesn’t make us the instruments of healing and love so needed today or take us to where we truly want to go. Only our willingness to follow Truth does that.

Lesson 188 in the Course closes with this:

The peace of God is shining in me now.

Let all things shine upon me in that peace.

And let me bless them with the light in me.

This is the High Road we are all called, as the Beloved of God, to walk on. 

In Oneness and Love,

Rev. Steve and Mary 

Going Deeper

If you would like to take this message deeper, here are two questions you can work with. Use these in your own self-reflection or in discussion with others.

  1. What are some examples of “taking the high road” that you are employing in your life?
  2. What reminders could you use to help you “rise” above the fray more consistently and be the healing light that blesses the world?

We would love to read your thoughts in the comments below.

We love each one of you so very much,

Rev. Steve and Mary

Join with others in Going Deeper on Zoom!

Wednesday, July 13 – 6 to 7:15 pm CT

Facilitated by Glenn and Mary McIntosh

Email Mary for more details and Zoom Link

Rev. Steve and Mary Bolen

Written by Rev. Steve and Mary Bolen