Dear Spiritual Family,
Some six hundred and fifty years ago, the great Persian poet, Hafiz wrote, “I am a hole in a flute that the Christ’s breath moves through – listen to this music.”
If we are asked the question, “How do you prefer to live your life, as a symphony or as a cacophony?” Invariably and with very little thought, we would answer, “I prefer the symphony version, of course! So how do we get there?
Five hundred years ago the Indian mystic, Kabir mused, “The fish in the water that is thirsty needs serious professional counseling.” The Masters of the ages have provided us with an Ocean of Divine “Music” – of deep wisdom that when lived, even if not perfectly, allows us to flourish in the richest spiritual sense. We are no longer the fish in the ocean searching for water or dying of thirst.
As Unity’s Fifth Principle reminds us, it is not sufficient that we simply know these truths, we must live them. Our Master Teacher, Jesus, at the time of his Resurrection knew his Disciples would need the help of the Holy Spirit to launch into the deep waters of serving God. Scripture tells us in John 20, “After he had said these things, he breathed on them and said, ‘Receive ye the Holy Spirit.’”
As we discuss in the video for this week and in last week’s written message, through the practice of non-judgment, we free our minds and hearts to truly live the spiritual life. To surrender the ego or in the words of the song, I Give Myself Away So You Can Use Me, we effectively “receive” the Holy Spirit. And with It, His Divine guidance in matters large and small and a true feeling of freedom.
Consider focusing on handing over the judgment piece to the Holy Spirit, the Voice for God. See for yourself, the gifts that wait for you as you do. You will not be disappointed. A Course in Miracles, Teacher’s Manual is for us the resource that we would recommend as an ocean of Divine Wisdom!
We love you,
Rev. Steve and Mary
We want to extend a very heartfelt “Thank You” to Tammy Lorraine for her loving heart and skillful hand in bringing these video and written messages to you over this past year and as we move forward. Tammy, bless you!
And by the way, Tammy will be delivering the 8AM (Central) Service at UCOH on Sunday, 2/19. You can connect via their website:
Going Deeper
- Jesus taught, “look past appearances” and “Judge not, less ye be judged.” Can you offer some experiences of “looking past” some very difficult people or things? What was the outcome of that decision?
- Take a few moments and breathe with the idea of how it might feel to “hand over” judgment to the Holy Spirit or to the Indwelling Christ…Are you willing to share some of your thoughts or feelings?
Thank you, Precious Beings.
We love you dearly,
Rev. Steve and Mary
Going Deeper on Zoom – Wednesday, February 22
This group meets on Wednesdays from 6 to 7:15 pm CT following a new video message. To learn more, Email Mary McIntosh.