The video message this week is titled The G.I.F.T of Abundance. Credit to Dr. Roger Teel who in his book, This Life Is Joy, teaches this powerful, principle-centered approach to Affirmative Prayer.
The main message begins with:
A Statement of Truth –
“The peace of God is profound and absolute. Its presence is exquisitely gentle and complete. Nothing is left untouched or unhealed. Such is the nature and quality of Love. The Self is the very fulfillment in manifestation of the Creator as existence itself. Nothing exists that is outside the love of God.” Dr. David Hawkins in the Eye of the I.
Dr. Roger offers the acronym, The GIFT to guide us through this focused approach to prayer:
G – God Is – All Light, All Love, All Peace, All Power, All Knowledge. I allow myself to richly feel this Truth.
I – I AM – That Which God Is. I Am the Christ of God. I am deeply loved. I am centered in the Divine.
F – Formulation – From this Understanding of What God Is and Who I Am, I form my prayer, my intention. From this place, I know with God that my prayers are answered in the highest and best ways.
T – Thanks and Take Over – I am steeped in gratitude for God, for the Truth of my indwelling Christ Self. And I now surrender to the Divine for the outworking of my prayer.
My Statement of Abundance – This is the “formulation” piece that is spoken in the meditation/prayer with some additional commentary
I am open and willing to receive and accept all the good that God has for me. I am the rightful heir to God’s good and I let it flow in my life with ease and grace. I open myself to receive and accept this good in unexpected love, unexpected kindness, unexpected money, generosity, and prosperity. I see and feel this good for myself and others! I now open wide the doors of my consciousness to receive and to give.
From this empowered place, I deeply feel gratitude for all that I have and all that I AM. I have complete faith in God that I am richly and lovingly provided for. I hold this Truth in my heart for my Self and all others.
Our hope is that you will work with this affirmative prayer formula or one like it to bring clarity and power to your spiritual life, in the area of abundance or healing or whatever you would find helpful at the time. As you speak these words of truth into the ethers with an elevated emotion, stay open to God’s good for it is indeed headed your way.
We love you,
Rev, Steve and Mary