Dear Spiritual Family,

Robert Browning wrote, “Ah but a man’s reach should exceed his grasp, or what’s a heaven for?” This message is about such a “reach.” 

In John 16:12, Jesus told his Disciples and others in the reach of his teaching, “I have yet many things to say unto you. But you cannot bear them now.” Jesus patiently waited for almost two thousand years to reveal these “many things” that he would say to us, knowing that at least, many of us would be ready to “bear them now.” 

One form of this truth comes to us as A Course in Miracles. There are others of course and essentially these great teachings are echoed in the lives and words of the saints and mystics and masters of the ages. 

The essence of this – what we’re calling here, “the great reveal,” is the peace we seek and the love we so want to see in full flowering in the world is Real. In other words, “Heaven on Earth” is not only possible but is patiently waiting for our realization of It. Here is where our “reach” meets our “grasp.” Browning would be pleased, we think, that his statement would one day be proven to be overruled by Divine Law.

Are we there yet? No. And we would be wise to realize that we have quite a ways to go before we accept this truth. But we offer this kind of “reach” here as a reminder that beyond all these appearances in our world in all their varying forms, is God and That which God created – You and all of Us – the Divine and Eternal Beings that we are!

And how do we hasten this Great Reveal? Jesus gives us the answer. We do it through true forgiveness. And the impetus and clarity for such forgiveness lies in knowing that we are these Holy Children of God and that no amount of belief to the contrary changes this Truth. 

Is it easy? No. The world of appearances is a lot to deal with. But if we focus on Heaven, on our inherent Oneness, on the Love that God Is and that we Are, if we keep reaching for what we inherently know is there, then we will move ever closer to this revelation. And as we call on the Divine Help that is ever present to us, the way will be made clearer and the path easier to walk.

It is a great gift to be walking it with You.   

We Love You,

Rev. Steve and Mary